Nightly Schedule

5:30 pmRegistration and Gym Open
6:00 pmAll Sparks and T&T on color lines in Gym for the Opening Ceremonies
Puggles in Room 103 until 7:30 dismissal
Cubbies in Room 104 until 7:30 dismissal
All Teens, Except AWANA Student Leaders: Trek: Multi-Purpose Room; Journey: Upper Room
6:05 pmT&T Game Time
Sparks Handbook Time
6:35 pmT&T Handbook Time
Sparks Game Time
Trek (All 7-8th grade) – Multi-Purpose Room
Journey (All 9th – 12th graders) – Warehouse
7:00 pmT&T Council Time
Sparks Green Meadow Time
7:30 pmSparks and T&T in Gym for Closing Ceremonies (Parents are encouraged to attend)
Puggles, Cubbies pick up from their rooms
7:40 pmSparks and T&T dismissal
7:45 pmTeen dismissal
8:00 pmGym closes

Each AWANA Club meeting is divided into five segments designed to provide excitement and learning for the meeting participants.

Opening Ceremony

Each club night officially begins with a flag ceremony, announcements, and prayer. AWANA Clubbers pledge to the American and AWANA flags; the latter reminds everyone we have AWANA, “to reach boys and girls with the Gospel of Christ and train them to serve Him.”

Handbook Time

This is the time for clubbers to recite verses and complete sections in their handbooks. Clubbers work one-on-one or in small groups with a trained leader to recite key Bible verses they memorized. The AWANA Club leaders talk with the children to ensure they understand the verses that teach them how to know and follow God. Throughout the year, awards are given in recognition to the children who have completed the different sections in their AWANA Club handbooks.

We encourage families to set aside time each day to complete activities and/or review verses in the child’s handbook. To complete a book within the year, Sparks will need to average 3 sections an evening and T&T has one section assigned per week.

Leaders will work with children to learn verses and other book requirements during class as well, but it is highly unlikely that the child only working on their handbook on Sunday evenings will complete their book or have assimilated the verses and concepts in a meaningful way over the year’s time.

Game Time

All pre-school and grade school clubbers get a time of running, jumping, cheering – and lots more – on the Awana Game Circle in team play (Cubbies) and competition (Sparks and T&T). Puggles typically have all their activities within their room. To ensure the safety of all children and prevent as many “boo-boos” as possible, we ask that parents bring their children dressed in long pants and sneakers. Children who arrive without appropriate attire may be kept from participating in certain games for their safety.

Closing Ceremony

This is the time of the evening when Sparks and T&T re-gather on the game circle in the gym to receive earned awards, hear announcements about upcoming events and thank the Lord for the great evening. Clubbers are then dismissed to their parents. We encourage all parents to observe the closing ceremonies each week to support their child’s accomplishments and hear important announcements.